Residents of the state of Oregon can participate in one of 6 accredited BSW options across the state. If you are one of the many individuals considering a Bachelor's in Social Work for your educational experience, you should prioritize CSWE-accredited BSW programs during your search.

Bachelor of Social Work Degrees in Oregon

The Council on Social Work Education is a leading accreditation agency for social work degree programs. This agency accredits both online and in-person BSW programs, providing you with diverse options to choose from on your path. The flexibility and convenience of online BSW programs can allow students with various preferences and requirements to expand their expertise through collegiate programs. Here are some universities in Oregon with a BSW Program:

  • George Fox University
  • Pacific University
  • Portland State University
  • University of Portland

Already have your BSW? Check out MSW programs in Oregon (includes online).

Online BSW Programs

If you choose online BSW programs for your education, you can have the option to pursue degree programs inside and outside of your state. You are encouraged to review the tuition expenses for in-state and out-of-state learners prior to submitting your application.

Regardless of which learning setting you choose for your program, accredited BSW programs can allow you to delve into the field of social work through a review and reliable curriculum. Our team has researched this incredible program in order to provide you with more information about what is available in your state.

BSW Degrees in Oregon

One of the best aspects of pursuing a BSW in Oregon is that there are multiple programs for you to choose from. Alternative popular schools like Pacific University and George Fox University provide reviewed and accredited social work degree programs suitable for students with differing paths in the field of social work.

Many students in Oregon may be searching for online BSW options to pursue for their education. A large number of incoming learners may need to continue with full-time employment while enrolled in their program, making online options more relevant to their current lifestyle.

Online BSW programs may include virtual classroom discussions with instructors and other learners, as well as online submission of assignments and research papers. Most online courses contain the same layout and assignments as classes conducted in the in-person environment.

Sample BSW Curriculum and Courses

The courses that you are required to take during your BSW can provide you with insight into your own culture, as well as many others. Diversity in Social Work is a common course that can help you expand you knowledge of different populations within your state and throughout the country.

Treatment Planning for Social Work Professionals is another course that can outline the appropriate steps for creating and maintaining relevant treatment plans for your clients. Conducting assessments, team meetings, and service provision are just a few of the many skills taught in this class.

Additional courses that may be provided within your online BSW program include those that provide knowledge into the policies and ethics surrounding practice with the public. These courses can help shape your personal practice guidelines for high-quality work with all individuals in the field.

As you look through various social work degree programs in Oregon, you can explore the various course requirements and on-campus expectations involved in the program's curriculum. You should consider your own personal needs for convenience when choosing a program to apply to.

Popular Accredited BSW Program

Oregon - like many other states - may have a high and constant need for qualify and educated social work professionals throughout the state. Individuals engaging in BSW training programs can move on to pursue vital positions in multiple settings after completing their program.

If you are currently searching for a BSW program to enroll in, you can begin by reviewing some of the popular BSW programs throughout Oregon. One university program in particular that garners interest from new students is Portland State University's BSW program.

Portland State University's BSW program is currently organized to provide learners with a diverse look at the different cultures, beliefs, and social problems prominent in this state. This type of practice can prepare you for providing a wide range of services to people within your community that may present with unique needs.

This program may also consist of around 4 years of course work and can also include in-person internship requirements through local social service or social work agencies. These experiences were designed to allow you to study the ins and outs of social work practice before engaging in in-person practice in the field.

BSW Careers and Salaries

When you are thinking about the field of social work, you may have different views on what this career field looks like for new entrants. The social work field can be vast in that it can include majors fields like healthcare, education, and social services.

Many of the most popular careers in this field are at the case management level, which can include holding a case load of clients with responsibilities such as home visits, advocacy, and assessment for services. Common job titles in this field include Youth Social Worker, Corrections Social Worker, and School Social Worker.

While each of these career options can put you in touch with unique populations, you end goal of helping others can remain constant regardless of the groups you work with along the way. Social workers that assist clients in healthcare and rehabilitation settings may also be employed directly by these agencies to provide daily services to people in need.

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As a social worker in Oregon, you can potentially enjoy a salary of $56,790 per year on average. This average is based upon actual social work professionals currently working in different specialized areas throughout the state of Oregon.

2021 US Bureau of Labor Statistics salary and employment figures for Social Workers, All other, reflect national data, not school-specific information. Conditions in your area may vary. Data accessed March 2023.