With an Associates in Social Work, you could work as a Social Worker Assistant, Community Health Worker, Mental Health Social Worker Assistant, and more. There are 176 colleges throughout the country that provide Associates degree programs in Social Work.

Associates in Social Work Degrees

We found 176 colleges in the US that have Associates in Social Work programs. Most programs are found at community colleges. An Associate of Social Work degree can be a good start, but most would recommend a BSW to start with for an undergraduate degree program. Social work is a great choice for those wanting to lend a hand to others trying to better their lives. Whether an individual wants to jump straight into bachelor’s programs or ease into the social work program with an associate’s degree, this field is welcoming to new learners.

Online Associates of Social Work Programs

There is no need for future students to go into frenzy about how to make time for an associate’s program. Online associate degree programs provide students with the peace of mind of flexible scheduling as well as ease of time management. The online Associate’s degree in Social Work includes online study guides, constant communication with other students and instructors and the convenience of workable deadlines for assignments.

Online programs were designed to provide adults with the tools needed to obtain a degree without having to take time away from work or family. Online associate degree programs are available throughout the country and provide learners with the opportunity for higher learning that may not be possible with traditional settings.

Who Should Consider an Associates in Social Work?

An Associates degree in Social Work is an excellent choice for upcoming students that are hoping to get the basic knowledge and experience in the field of social work. Since social work is a great complimentary degree for careers in human services and public outreach agencies, the choice to pursue this degree can potentially lead to more experiences and more knowledge of how society operates and how citizens interact with their environment. This degree program introduces students to sociology as a perspective and the various branches of society that serve the public in different ways.

There are 176 colleges throughout the country that provide Associate’s degree programs in Social Work, making it possible for people throughout the country to find a program that is fitting for them. Individuals that seek to give their career a refresher or hoping to extend their knowledge in their current profession may find this associate degree program to be just what they are looking for.

What Can You Do With an Associates of Social Work?

With an Associate’s degree in Social Work, graduates are prepared both for future higher learning and careers working with the public. Social worker assistants provide an important service to social service agencies as well as being a right-hand support for licensed social workers and the families being served. Community health workers are responsible for raising awareness about disease and illness as well as directing clients to services related to healthcare. At the associate degree level, graduates may be a great fit for fields such as this one.

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Associate level graduates can also find careers working alongside mental health social workers, providing a similar service for those suffering from mental illness. Most of the responsibilities of associate level graduates will be administrative in function and will support the workups of licensed social workers. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Social work assistants have the potential to earn $30,830 per year working to better their communities. Community health workers have the potential to earn $43,840 per year depending on location (BLS).