Residents of Wisconsin currently have numerous Bachelor of Social Work programs to choose from all across their state. There are currently 15 available accredited BSW programs containing reviewed and approved courses and experience requirements awaiting new applicants each semester.

Bachelor of Social Work Degrees in Wisconsin

Social work degree programs often attract individuals that are altruistic in nature and have a natural desire to help others. If this sounds like a degree program that is suitable for you, our team encourages you to read more about what your state has to offer in terms of higher education in this field. Here are some universities in Wisconsin with a BSW degree:

  • Carthage College
  • Marian University
  • Marquette University
  • University of Wisconsin-Green Bay
  • University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
  • University of Wisconsin-Whitewater

Already have your BSW? Check out MSW programs in Wisconsin (includes online).

Considering an Online BSW Program

BSW programs can be an excellent way to expand your skills and knowledge in this field, as well as an incredible investment for your future. Today's educational society can even offer more flexible learning options - such as online BSW programs - to students that are not prepared to commit to full-time in-person programs.

Online BSW programs may also be the degree program of choice for full-time workers that are hoping for career advancement through their learning experience. If you are currently employed or have little time to invest in on-campus learning, you are encouraged to explore online offerings in your area.

BSW Degrees in Wisconsin

The Bachelor of Social Work program in Wisconsin can be a great option for learners that are intrigued by popular organizations such as the Child and Family Services Division, public and private healthcare agencies, and mental health providers across the state. Each of these agencies may require educated social work professionals to maintain high quality services for their clients.

You can pursue a BSW at many popular universities throughout the state, including Concordia University Wisconsin, Marian University, and Carthage College. These colleges have worked hard to meet the accreditation requirements of the CSWE and provide an all-inclusive curriculum for you to engage in.

Most BSW programs have varying enrollment options depending on your current education level. Standard 4-year programs for new college students and 2-year options for associate degree holders may be enrollment options based on your needs.

BSW Degrees in Wisconsin

The courses that you participate in during your program can provide you with a backbone of knowledge for later practice in the field.

  • Courses like Trauma-Informed Social Work can provide you with knowledge and expertise in the different forms of trauma and how these experiences can affect the emotional health of those experiencing it.
  • Social Work in the School System can be another course that expands your understanding of practice in the field. In this course, you can learn more about a social worker's participation in educational planning, behavioral health, and family support in the school environment.
  • Social Justice and the Environment is a course that can educate you further on the purpose of social work professionals and their role in seeking social justice for clients with varying needs. This course specifically can also allow you to explore the economic and environmental influences of social welfare and how you can utilize state services to meet the needs of those being served.

Each university that you review may hold a unique curriculum when compared to others. Our team encourages you to thoroughly review the degree requirements and course descriptions of your program to better prepare for your learning experience.

Popular Accredited BSW Program

Many new learners in social work may feel more comfortable enrolling in accredited degree programs with proven quality and student testimony. One of the most popular degree programs currently offered to residents in Wisconsin can be found at the University of Wisconsin at Green Bay.

University of Wisconsin Green Bay BSW

UW - Green Bay offers a Bachelor of Social Work that has maintained accreditation with the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE). This program consists of around 4 years of learning in general education components, entry-level social work courses, and practical experience requirements for enrolled learners.

If you were to choose this program for your educational experience, you might engage in courses related to social work practice with different age groups, social groups, or in different treatment settings throughout your program.

While this university is among the most popular in this state, it is not the only accredited option for the Bachelor of Social Work. As you can see in the section below, you have many other colleges to choose from when making your choice.

Wisconsin BSW Careers and Salaries

A large number of new students choose to pursue social work degree programs due to the versatility of this degree in the career field. Social workers can pursue careers in many different specialized areas, with social work positions being offered in some of the largest career fields in the U.S.

At the bachelor’s level, graduates of BSW programs can pursue careers in general case management in agencies in healthcare, child and family welfare, human services, and mental health. Social work positions can also be found in correctional and probational agencies, as well as rehabilitation centers and retirement homes.

The role that you play in the betterment of society can vary depending on which field you choose to work in after graduation. Your job may include assessing the needs of clients on your caseload, conducting weekly visits, establishing treatment plans, and keeping case records for each of your clients.

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The average earnings for social workers in Wisconsin is around $59,850 each year on average. You can possibly increase your earning potential through gaining experience and pursuing careers in in-demand specialties within your residential area.

2021 US Bureau of Labor Statistics salary and employment figures for Social Workers, All other, reflect national data, not school-specific information. Conditions in your area may vary. Data accessed March 2023.