Students in the state of Vermont that may be seeking degree programs to help them access careers in the social work field can find BSW programs within their area. Vermont currently provides 3 CSWE-accredited BSW options throughout the state to help you gain the skills and expertise you need to help others in your community.

Bachelor of Social Work Degrees in Vermont

BSW Programs in this State

Regardless of where you currently reside, most BSW programs being offered in your state may be open for you to enroll in. You are encouraged to find programs closest to you for maximum convenience or consider 100% online BSW programs available in your area. Here are some universities with a CSWE accredited BSW Program in Vermont:

  • Castleton University
  • Champlain College
  • University of Vermont

You might consider learning about available online BSW programs.

Already have your BSW? Check out MSW programs in Vermont (includes online).

Why Consider a BSW Degree?

Both traditional and online BSW can be accredited by the CSWE, making both reliable options for your future. Some of the most popular cities for BSW programs in Vermont are Castleton and Burlington, which are cities that house some of the most popular universities in the state.

The BSW program can help you gain generalized skills pertaining to assessment and treatment planning of all age groups and various needs group. Having a diverse knowledge of this treatment field can assist you with finding careers in unique fields after graduation.

BSW Degrees and Coursework

Social work positions have long been filled with individuals with a strong desire to positively influence their peers and community members. The BSW program was developed in an effort to provide these influential people with research-driven methods to finding solutions to society's most common social problems.

At the onset of your BSW program, you may begin with a delve into introductory courses like Introduction to Social Work and the Social Welfare Field. Each of these courses can allow you to explore the development of these specialized areas and gain some insight into what influenced their creation.

Later in your program, courses like Social Work Practice with Children and Families can help you focus on the specific needs of young children and displaced families. Supportive services, child welfare, food services, and housing support are just a few of the tools that you may learn to utilize within this course.

Addition courses focused on mental health treatment, medical needs, and educational support can also be a part of your generalized curriculum. Not all BSW programs require that you choose a specialization, allowing you to explore treatment in multiple functional social work disciplines.

The 4-year BSW program can sometimes conclude with a field experience or internship in some programs. During this part of your degree program, you may be expected to take part in social work practice in the field, observation of current social workers, or even the development of treatment plans for diverse groups.

Popular CSWE Accredited BSW Program

If you currently live in the state of Vermont, you may be aware that one of the most popular BSW programs can be found at the University of Vermont in Burlington. This university’s BSW program is intriguing because it is part of a larger track in social services that can lead learners directly into a MSW program after completion.

While in this BSW program, learners can explore social work practice relevant to their own communities. Current social issues, community support programs, and state welfare offices may be explore through extensive course work, allowing you to learn more about what is available to families within your own community.

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Students enrolled at the University of Vermont may also have the opportunity to participate in field experience during the latter part of their degree programs. You can have the opportunity to choose your own field placement with a social service agency or utilize the university’s placement team for help locating an organization for your experience.

The goal of this BSW program is to train you to become the best social work professional you can be in a variety of settings. You should consider your interests and which group you would most like to influence when choosing a degree program and a later career.

BSW Careers and Salary

The Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that social workers in Vermont can earn $60,200 on average per year. This data was developed using actual social work wages and represents professionals in a wide variety of treatment fields.

If you are seeking career options working with individuals, you might be interested in pursuing a career as a Social Service Worker, Benefits Eligibility Worker, Probation Officer, or even Mental Health Service Organization Specialist. Each of these career opportunities can allow you to work with individual clients in need of case management services.

Social workers interested in providing a more generalized service to communities can potentially pursue careers as Community Outreach Specialists, Social Service Managers, or even Residential Services Directors. Professionals working in these areas can potentially influence programs that can affect larger groups and communities as a whole.

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The area that you live in may include diverse career opportunities to consider as you progress through your BSW program and into the career field. Our team encourages you to choose a career path that is focused on positively influencing the population that means the most to you.

2021 US Bureau of Labor Statistics salary and employment figures for Social Workers, All other, reflect national data, not school-specific information. Conditions in your area may vary. Data accessed March 2023.