There are 3 CSWE-accredited BSW programs in South Dakota. When looking for programs, you should always ensure that your program is accredited prior to submitting your application. CSWE accredition is the premier agency for the field of social work.

Bachelor of Social Work Degrees in South Dakota

BSW Programs in this State

South Dakota can be an ideal state to pursue a degree that can lead you into intriguing and fulfilling careers in your future. The Bachelor of Social work degree program can allow you to explore common social problems within your state, as well as the many different services you can utilize to help others lead happier and healthier lives. Here are some universities with a CSWE accredited BSW Program in South Dakota:

  • Oglala Lakota College
  • University of Sioux Falls
  • University of South Dakota

You might consider learning about available online BSW programs.

Already have your BSW? Check out MSW programs in South Dakota (includes online).

Why Consider a BSW Degree?

The CSWE-accredited learning options you find in your state may be located in popular cities like Vermillion, Kyle, and Sioux Falls. The universities located in these cities may be open to students all over the state of South Dakota, regardless of distance.

BSW programs may be diverse in that they provide you with insight into multiple forms of social work rather than providing specialization in any specific treatment area. Also, online and accredited BSW options can allow you to complete your program without the hassle of travel, housing, and lost wages.

BSW Degrees and Coursework

BSW programs offered in South Dakota can allow you to explore concepts related to the history and development of the social welfare field, as well as practical guidelines and ethical standards currently followed when working with diverse treatment groups.

Online BSW programs generally consist of the same curriculum and experience components as traditional programs, making them a reliable alternative to consider if needed. All BSW programs can also contain general education courses such as Algebra, Psychology, and English Composition to help sharpen you knowledge in these areas.

The course work included in your BSW program may provide you with insight into needs groups such as individuals, families, and communities. Different groups may require different types of analyses and skills, making each course incredibly important to your professional development.

Courses common in the BSW program can include Social Work Practice with Children and Families, Social Work Practice with Communities, and even School Social Work Practice. Each course can outline the methods of direct assessment recommended in each area, as well as touch on the development of treatment plans for maximum improvement.

To help tie together your knowledge and practical skills, most BSW programs can also require that you participate in a field experience component at some point during your program. Depending on the college, you may be able to choose a field placement near you or ask for the school's help in finding a placement that best suits your future pursuits.

Popular CSWE Accredited BSW Program

The best BSW program for you should be one that includes all the components that you are looking for in a program, as well as meets your personal needs during the learning process. This could make either online or traditional more effective for you and could mean programs with or without field experience requirements.

One of the most chosen programs in the state of South Dakota is the University of South Dakota in Vermillion. This program includes a 120-credit hour degree plan that can take around 4 years to complete for those enrolled at a full-time rate.

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This program is unique in that it can allow you to explore specialized topics during your BSW curriculum. The program requires that you choose 6-credit hours of elective courses that include Social Work in Child Welfare, Mental Health, Aging Populations and People with Disabilities, and even Native Populations.

This customizable program can provide you with a great foundation of knowledge pertaining to the specific groups that you dream of working with in the field. This university can also assist you as you seek out social agencies within your practice area for your field experience component.

BSW Careers and Salary

Social work professionals may be some of the most vital, influential, and essential service providers in the U.S. The support provided by these professionals can be important to individuals with little to no resources, families involved in the social welfare system, or even people with no one to turn to in their time of need.

With a BSW degree, you can pursue popular career titles like Rehabilitation Social Worker, Mental Health Case Manager, Family Service Worker, or even Special Advocate. Each of these career titles include unique responsibilities for varying populations of people in society.

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The average salary for social work professionals in South Dakota is $74,410. This wage information is provided by data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and is calculated using actual wage figures for social workers in multiple settings. 

Our team encourages you to explore the type of career you would like to pursue prior to choosing a BSW program to enroll in. This can help you choose a program that can provide you with the skills you need to positive influence individuals in your field of choice. 

2021 US Bureau of Labor Statistics salary and employment figures for Social Workers, All other, reflect national data, not school-specific information. Conditions in your area may vary. Data accessed March 2023.