Residents of the state of South Carolina ready for participation in reliable social work degree programs can choose from 7 accredited BSW options from all over the state. Choosing an accredited BSW option can provide learners with confidence in their learning program and a degree that can possible lead to licensure in their state.

Bachelor of Social Work Degrees in South Carolina

As mentioned there are multiple options for the BSW in South Carolina. Here are a few highlighted schools:

  • Columbia College
  • Limestone College
  • South Carolina State University
  • University of South Carolina-Columbia
  • Winthrop University

Already have your BSW? Check out MSW programs in South Carolina (includes online).

Our team of educational experts recommends reviewing the curriculum of each BSW program prior to submitting your application to ensure that you are choosing a program that is aligned with your needs. Taking the time to review your program prior to enrolling can contribute to how well your program fits your future career.

Reviewing an Online BSW Degree

The influence of technology in education has led many universities into offering convenient online BSW programs to students with the highest need for flexibility. Online BSW programs can also be eligible for CSWE accreditation since they hold the same level of quality as traditional learning programs.

Your pursuits of a BSW degree program can lead you into many fascinating careers in South Carolina. Many social workers in the field can work in popular fields like healthcare, social services, and education.

Colleges with a BSW

One of the greatest advantages to choosing a Bachelor of Social Work degree program is that they can be found at multiple universities across the state of South Carolina. In addition to the University of South Carolina, incoming students can also review BSW options at Winthrop University and Limestone College.

BSW options offered in the online environment can allow learners to participate in programs regardless of how strenuous their current schedule is. Online BSW programs can include asynchronous courses that allow learners to participate at their own pace at different times of the day and night.

The quality of both traditional and online BSW programs can be ensured through choosing programs accredited by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE). This agency provides quality reviews for both types of programs, making either reliable options for a high quality learning experience.

Typical Undergrad BSW Coursework

The curriculum within your program can essentially be your guide to the skills and practice needed for professionals in your field. As you take a look at the courses offered in online BSW programs, you might find that courses include independent research, emotional and behavioral considerations, and practice with diverse groups.

Commmon courses found within the BSW program can include Social Work Practice with Children and Adolescents, Social Work Practice with Adults, and Social Work Practice in Communities. These classes can introduce you to unique skills required to assess and treat individuals and provide well-rounded services to larger populations.

Social Welfare Policy is a class that can outline the historical development of policies in this field, which can provide you with a cause-and-effect view of how these rules have changed over the years. Not only can this course provide you with current ethical practice guidelines, but it can educate you further on why some policies did not succeed when applying in the social field.

In addition to courses, you may also see some in-person learning experiences required by some programs. These can range from in-person learning groups to internships depending on your school and can increase your skills in practice overall.

University of South Carolina's BSW program

As you begin your journey towards choosing a reliable and accredited BSW program, you should take a look at popular degree options in your area. The University of South Carolina's BSW program can be an excellent option for new learners seeking high quality instructional delivery within their program.

This program consists of around 4 years of in-depth learning into topics related to general education and social work. The first 2 years of your program may involve a large majority of general education courses like English, Algebra, and Psychology.

Once you move into the third year of your program, you can participate in courses related more specifically to social work practice. This program may also include an internship component that you can pursue through local social work agencies in your community.

The University of South Carolina can be an incredible program for new college students and adult learners alike. The end result of this program can be entry into many diverse social work positions in some of the largest careers fields in the U.S.

BSW Careers and Salaries

The hard work that goes into completing a BSW program can lead to many fulfilling and satisfying career options in the social field. Many graduates from the BSW program in South Carolina pursue career options at the case management level within their communities.

Career options like Substance Abuse Social Worker, Rehabilitation Social Worker, and Mental Health Social Worker, can be excellent options for you to consider when you are ready to enter the field. The services provided by these professionals can include conducting needs assessments, establishing treatment plans, and finding support services according to individual need.

If you are curious about the average rate of pay for social workers in South Carolina, you might be pleased to learn that most social workers earn around $72,480 annually on average. This average is based on actual earnings from social work professionals currently working in the state.

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Students pursuing BSW programs can go on to be influential and incredibly important social professionals in the field after graduation. If you are the type of person that has the desire to help others through problem-solving, critical thinking, and compassion, this degree program could be the best choice for you.

2021 US Bureau of Labor Statistics salary and employment figures for Social Workers, All other, reflect national data, not school-specific information. Conditions in your area may vary. Data accessed March 2023.