Throughout the state of Rhode Island, you can find 3 BSW programs to choose from for enrollment. Cities in Rhode Island that are considered hubs for BSW learners are currently Providence and Newport at universities like Salve Regina University and Rhode Island College.

Bachelor of Social Work Degrees in Rhode Island

BSW Programs in Rhode Island

Many students within the state of Rhode Island choose Bachelor of Social Work degree programs to later obtain long-lasting and recession-proof career options in the field. Social work professionals can work in nearly every professional field in some capacity and can provide vital services to individuals seeking assistance. Here are some universities with a CSWE accredited BSW Program in Rhode Island:

  • Providence College
  • Rhode Island College
  • Salve Regina University

You might consider learning about available online BSW programs.

Already have your BSW? Check out MSW programs in Rhode Island (includes online).

Why Consider a BSW Degree?

The BSW is a popular degree option for incoming students that have the determination needed to utilize critical thinking, strong communication, and relationships to help individuals find helpful solutions to some of America's most complex social dilemmas. The BSW provide learners with a diverse look at social work practice, making it an ideal program for learners headed in multiple professional directions after graduation.

Our team of educational experts has reviewed CSWE-accredited BSW degree programs throughout the state of Rhode Island in order to provide you with relevant information about the options currently available to you. Read more about these programs and the resulting careers in the sections below.

BSW Degrees and Coursework

If you are considering enrollment into a BSW program in the state of Rhode Island, this might possibly be your first experience in the college setting. Each college may have different course titles, expectations, and curriculum line-up depending on where you look. In some cases, online BSW programs may even be more suitable for you depending on your needs.

The standard BSW program consists of around 4 years of general education classes, social work courses, and practical experience components. This combination of learning and practice can help you best prepare for entering the field after completing your degree.

Courses like Human Behavior in Social Environments can allow you to explore the factors within society, social groups, and communities that influence different types of behaviors. This type of knowledge can help you learn more about how the environment influences personal growth, learning, and behavior in the social work field.

Alternative classes like Community and Political Practice can help you gain skills relevant to practice at a macro level. A lot of the course work in the BSW program may be focused on providing services to individuals within specific groups, while this one can allow you to gain skills needed to influence larger groups and communities.

The BSW program often includes some community practice near the end of the program. This component may only last a semester in some programs, with others having multiple practice opportunities throughout the duration of the program. This type of experience component can help you gain the practice you need to feel confident when entering the field after graduation.

Popular CSWE Accredited BSW Program

Students in Rhode Island may look for popular and well-known universities to pursue for their first collegiate experience in social work. One of the most popular BSW programs throughout the state can be found at Providence College, located in the hub city of Providence.

The BSW program offered at this institution can provide you with a generalistic approach at learning, which can allow you to explore different types of practical skills needed for working with individuals, small groups, and communities. If you are enrolling in the BSW as part of a longer path towards your MSW, this could be a great introductory program to pursue.

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An interesting component of Providence College’s BSW program is that students are encouraged to explore studying abroad in the midst of their program. This option can allow you to explore social work studies in different cultures, making it a great opportunity for learners that are preparing for diverse careers in the social work field.

With a foundation of learning in social work practice at the micro and macro levels, investigations through research, and field practice, Provide College can be a college of opportunity for enrolled learners. As you sort through different programs to choose from, you should be sure to review each component of the degree plan in order to choose a program that is best aligned for your career goals.

BSW Careers and Salary

People from different walks of life often choose the field of social work for their degree program for different reasons. One of the most popular reasons for individuals to choose this field is that it can provide them with access to careers in popular fields like social services, human services, education, and even mental health.

Some social workers can even work for hospitals and insurance companies as liaisons for people receiving treatment and benefits. In schools, social workers can be a bridge for students needing additional services for behavioral or emotional health, or even for individuals that are struggling with family relationships that interfere with progress in learning.

Social work as a whole is a field that can unite people in need with knowledgeable and hard-working professionals ready to develop meaningful progress plans for positive growth. If you are the type of person that feels a strong desire for helping others, this may be the field for you.

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According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, social workers in the state of Rhode Island can earn $74,520 on average each year. This salary estimate is based on the actual earnings of social workers in multiple diverse fields.

2021 US Bureau of Labor Statistics salary and employment figures for Social Workers, All other, reflect national data, not school-specific information. Conditions in your area may vary. Data accessed March 2023.