This state currently provides you with access to 4 CSWE-accredited BSW options through popular universities like Minot State University and Sitting Bull College. The BSW options through these colleges have been thoroughly and regularly reviewed by the CSWE to verify accuracy to practical expectations in the field.

Bachelor of Social Work Degrees in North Dakota

BSW Programs in North Dakota

North Dakota can be a great place to pursue a career helping others through social work practice. In order to achieve this goal, you may consider the pursuit of a Bachelor of Social Work degree program through an accredited BSW option. Here are some universities with a CSWE accredited BSW Program in North Dakota:

  • Minot State University
  • Sitting Bull College
  • University of Mary
  • University of North Dakota

If you are considering popular college cities during your search, you can look to Bismarck and Grand Forks for BSW options in these areas. Students currently residing in these cities and within close proximity can have direct access to the most preferred programs in the state.

You might consider learning about available online BSW programs.

Already have your BSW? Check out MSW programs in North Dakota (includes online).

The BSW program can provide you with skills training in generalist practice for diverse treatment areas. Most students do not begin choose specializations for their degree until the masters level, making the BSW a great general stepping stone regardless of which field students plan to work in.

BSW Degrees and Coursework

When you begin the BSW program, you may first enroll in general education courses to fulfill this part of your degree requirements. General education courses can vary depending on whether your degree path is focused on arts or science, with most BSW options focusing strictly on the applied nature of social work practice.

During your first and second year, a lot of the course work can provide you with introductory and historical knowledge about the social welfare system, which can be beneficial when developing your own methods of practice as a new learner. You can dive deeper into social work practice in your last 2 years, which are more focused on treatment of diverse groups in society.

Courses like Social Work Practice with Treatment Groups and Generalist Practice with Communities can allow you to explore the differences in treatment methods at the micro and macro levels. Each of these courses can provide you with practice of the assessment and treatment planning of identified clients.

Alternative courses like Social Policy and Social Work Research can help students sharpen their skills in problem identification and knowledge of the social welfare system. This knowledge can allow you to scrutinize current programs efficiently and provide you with the knowledge you need to better spot policy challenges within your current system.

Most BSW programs can also consist of a practicum requirement for learners near the end of their program. Some BSW options have multiple experience opportunities in the last 2 years of the program, while others may require 1 semester-long internship within your final semesters.

Popular CSWE Accredited BSW Program

The University of North Dakota currently houses the most frequently attended BSW program within this state. Students may choose this university due to its long-term reliability or due to its consistent CSWE accreditation throughout the years.

The BSW offered by this institution is a standard 4-year bachelors option that includes courses related to generalist social work practice in the field. The goal of this program is to educate and create efficient and knowledgeable social work professionals to address widespread social issues throughout the state.

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If you were to choose this program for your degree, you can expect to exercise your skills and knowledge in multiple field placements at the end of your program. Most students choose local social services agencies when picking their field placements, which can provide them with an outlook of actual practice within their own communities.

Regardless of where you live in the state of North Dakota, you can have access to the BSW option provided by the University of North Dakota. When seeking BSW opportunities closer to you, our team encourages you to choose only programs that have achieved CSWE accreditation for their options.

BSW Careers and Salary

As a new BSW graduate, you can possibly have access to a wide variety of careers within your local community. Some students pursuing the BSW may already have specific agencies or service organization in mind, while others may be open to considering careers in any socially-oriented businesses.

Common job titles for BSW graduates can include case specialist, mental health assistant, probation officer, or even human service specialist. Each of these career options can put you in touch with individuals that are in need of guidance and support as they navigate complex social issues.

Your role as a social work can carry a high responsibility to determine the cause of individual issues and find meaningful programs to help provide positive results. You may also be responsible for coordinating care, directing team meetings, and establishing a positive relationship with individuals being served.

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Social workers in North Dakota have the potential to earn $70,320 per year on average in different social work positions across the state. These salary estimates are based upon actual social work earnings provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. 

2021 US Bureau of Labor Statistics salary and employment figures for Social Workers, All other, reflect national data, not school-specific information. Conditions in your area may vary. Data accessed March 2023.