Throughout the entire state of Nevada, incoming social work prospectives can take advantage of 2 CSWE-accredited Bachelor of Social Work degree programs. The University of Nevada at Las Vegas and the University of Las Vegas at Reno first gained accreditation for their BSW programs in 1974 and have remained accredited since.

Bachelor of Social Work Degrees in Nevada

The popular cities of Reno and Las Vegas can be excellent places for you to settle into a BSW program. Both of these universities can be accessible to individuals within the city limits of these areas as well as for individuals from all across the state of Nevada.

BSW Programs in Nevada

Here are some universities with a CSWE accredited BSW Program in Nevada:

  • University of Nevada, Las Vegas
  • University of Nevada, Reno

You might consider learning about available online BSW programs.

Already have your BSW? Check out MSW programs in Nevada (includes online).

Finding the Right Undergraduate BSW Program

BSW programs provided in the state of Nevada consist of an in-depth curriculum that was designed to create flexible and generalized professionals in the field of social work. Graduation from these programs can help you become qualified for many entry-level positions in diverse social service fields.

Students without the ability to attend colleges on campus can seek out the flexibility of online BSW programs to help fit their needs. Online BSW programs can provide you with the same curriculum and the same level of quality as traditional learning options.

BSW Degrees and Coursework

The BSW program can result in a 4 year experience focused on sharpening your abilities in the assessment and treatment of people within your local society. Students pursuing this degree may begin with exploring some of the common ailments present within citizens in local society, as well as the function of the state welfare system.

Typical BSW Coursework to Expect

Courses like Social Psychology can help you to explore the fundamental principles of human interaction, relationships, and social behavior. Having this type of insight can help you make more accurate assumptions about why people behave in certain ways and what methods may be most effective to help individuals live more productive lifestyles.

Social Work Practice in Mental Health is a specialized course that can allow you to explore social work in the field of mental health, which is one of the larger career options for individuals with a BSW. Coordinating mental health care, treatment planning, and follow-up services may be covered in this course.

Ethics in Social Work is a generalized course within the BSW curriculum that can provide you with knowledgeable insight into the laws and expectations of social work professionals in the field. Learning and practice in this course can help you to create a stable foundation of ethical practice for later use in the field.

Within your BSW program, you might have 1 or more opportunities to work with social work agencies in the field as an internship experience. Each program varies on this requirement, so you should review this aspect of your program thoroughly before finalizing your enrollment.

Popular CSWE Accredited BSW Program

Students entering into BSW programs in the state of Nevada often choose programs with the highest reliability and most convenience. One of the most popular BSW options present within the state currently is located at the University of Nevada at Reno.

This BSW program provides focus into the networking of multiple social service agencies within the state, studies into micro and mezzo systems, and human development. The goal of the overall program is to create knowledgeable and efficient social work professionals to help battle Nevada’s most prominent social issues.

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Most students enrolling in this BSW program can experience up to 4 years of BSW learning, alongside a 450 internship through a local social service agency. The combination of both study and field experience can provide you with every element you need to enter the field with confidence and motivation.

Regardless of where you reside within the state of Nevada, this university could be a perfect option to consider for your BSW program. High quality, longevity, and accreditation make this program an ideal choice for any future social work professional.

BSW Careers and Salary

Social workers in the state of Nevada can be incredibly important to the well-being of individuals within diverse treatment groups. Some social work professionals pursue careers focused on working directly with children, such as those in social services and education.

If you are seeking out jobs that work with multiple client types, you may enjoy working in large-scale social work fields such as medical social work and mental health social work. Some specialized career options in rehabilitation facilities, retirement homes, and court appointed advocacy positions may also be available to BSW graduates.

Since the BSW can take you in many different directions depending on your interests, the earning for individuals in this field can vary greatly. The area in which you work, the overall demand for social work professionals in your field, and your experience can affect the amount you earn per year.

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According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, social work professionals throughout the state of Nevada have the potential to earn $78,120 per year on average. This includes social work professionals in all settings and is based upon actual social work salaries within the state. 

2021 US Bureau of Labor Statistics salary and employment figures for Social Workers, All other, reflect national data, not school-specific information. Conditions in your area may vary. Data accessed March 2023.