There are different BSW programs in Alabama, located all throughout the state. There are rural, private university options, as well as larger, public universities. This provides many options for Alabama residents throughout the entire state.

Bachelor of Social Work Degrees in Alabama

Pursuing a Bachelor of Social Work in the state of Alabama can be an incredible experience for incoming learners. Alabama caters to the needs of upcoming social work professionals by providing 15 traditional and accredited BSW programs. Here is a sample:

  • Alabama A & M University
  • Alabama State University
  • Auburn University
  • Troy University
  • Tuskegee University
  • University of Alabama at Birmingham

Already have your BSW? Check out MSW programs in Alabama (includes online).

CSWE Accreditation

One important thing to consider when searching for a BSW program is the accreditation status of your university program. The Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) is the accreditation agency of choice for BSW programs, making it an important part of your bachelor's program.

Social workers may also be in demand in Alabama, since they are so versatile and can provide services in a wide variety of areas. In response to the high demand, some universities are offering online BSW programs that can be available for a wider range of students than just the traditional option.

Campus vs. Online BSW

Whether you prefer traditional in-person programs or the convenience of online BSW options, the curriculum within these programs can help prepare you for a fulfilling career in the field of social work. Take a look below to learn more about what is included in these programs and the types of careers you can pursue when entering the professional field.

Finding the Right Undergraduate BSW Program

The Bachelor of Social Work degree program is a unique option for new college learners due to its utility after graduation. Many undergraduate degree programs seek to prepare you for entry-level positions or possible higher learning in the future.

The online BSW is a practical and convenient degree program that prepares learners for immediately entry into the service field. Some states license social workers at the bachelor's level, making this the right degree program for individuals that want to quickly be in a lifelong career.

More universities in Alabama that provide relevant and accredited BSW programs are Alabama State University, Alabama A&M University, and Auburn University. You can find incredible high-quality degree programs at any of these universities during your seach for the most fitting option.

Sample BSW Coursework to Expect

The curriculum of your online BSW program contains the learning components that will combine to create successful and intuitive social work professionals. Reviewing the curriculum of your program can help you prepare for the diverse learning experience ahead of you in your program.

Courses in your program can include Social Work Practice with Individuals, Communities, and even in specialty areas like Substance Abuse. Skills learned in this course can range from conducting individualized assessments to developing widespread needs assessments for groups and communities.

Treatment Planning for Social Work Professionals is another course that can allow you to utilize information gained through assessment to develop step-by-step treatment programs that include needed services such as therapy, medical services, support systems, and job search efforts. Follow-ups on treatment planning can be part of your role in ensuring your clients meet outlined milestones towards a greater goal.

Each course within your BSW program can act as a provision for greater skill and success within your field. You should choose a BSW program that provides focus within your chosen practice area so that you get the most out of your learning experience.

Popular Accredited BSW Program

The University of Alabama at Birmingham is one of Alabama's staple schools. Thousands of students participate in degree programs each year offered through this university, including its reputable and thorough Bachelor of Social Work Program.

This BSW option can be completed in 4 years, which is standard of most undergraduate level programs in all subject areas. The early years of your learning experience can include a delve into general education courses that can help sharpen your skills in standard education courses.

Towards the end of your experience in the BSW program, you may be expected to locate a placement for your in-person internship requirement. This part of your program may last an entire semester and can be completed through local social services, mental health, or healthcare social work agencies.

Since different social work degree programs can provide you with different experiences and unique learning tools, our team encourages you to explore several accredited programs in your state so that you choose a program that is best suited for your learning style and future goals.

Alabama BSW Careers and Salaries

Many students are attracted to the online BSW program due to its convenience and their desire to engage in a career that can increase the quality of life of others. Since both types of BSW programs offer equal levels of quality, you can choose either for your professional advancement.

Career options for you to consider when entering the field can include those in individual treatment, such as Child and Family Social Worker, Mental Health Social Worker, and Mental Health Social Work. In these areas, you can develop individual programs for your clients and monitor their progress as you help them obtain needed supports.

Social work positions can also be found working with larger groups in your local area. Community Social Worker and School Social Worker are a few options for you to consider if you are interested in providing support to as many people as you can through your work.

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The rate of pay for social workers in the state of Alabama is $69,050 each year on average. Your salary may change based on the amount of experience you have in the field and the service group that you work with throughout your career.

2021 US Bureau of Labor Statistics salary and employment figures for Social Workers, All other, reflect national data, not school-specific information. Conditions in your area may vary. Data accessed March 2023.