Colorado currently provides multiple options for learners interested in pursuing the Bachelor of Social Work degree program. All over this state, there is 1 online and 4 traditional accredited BSW programs open for students to enroll in.

Bachelor of Social Work Degrees in Colorado

The Bachelor of Social Work degree program can provide you with insight into how the social welfare system functions, the history of the social work field, and the many different levels of service that you can pursue as a professional in this field. This degree program can also allow you to explore the various practical skills required for working in these diverse fields. Some colleges in Colorado with a BSW degree include:

  • Colorado State University-Fort Collins
  • Colorado State University-Pueblo
  • Metropolitan State University of Denver (on campus and online BSW program)

Already have your BSW? Check out MSW programs in Colorado (includes online).

Online BSW Programs

In today's educational environment, many students are leaning towards online degree programs as their method for career advancement. Online BSW programs may offer the same level of quality and inclusion as traditional options, all while providing ease of access and flexibility during the learning experience.

If you are the type of person that needs a balance between education and your career, online BSW programs may be the right option for you to look into. Check out our guide below to learn more about BSW programs and where they can lead you once you are in the field.

BSW Degrees

Pursuing a degree in social work throughout the state of Colorado can be a great experience that leads to high-quality training and expertise within a wide range of practical skills. This state offers many different university options for you to choose from for your BSW option, which all programs having unique aspects that set them apart from others.

Alternative universities that you can review for your BSW programs are Colorado State University and Colorado Mesa University. Both of these schools offer CSWE-accredited BSW programs that can help you meet the minimum standard for licensing within your state.


When you enroll in a BSW program, you may be quickly introduced to some introductory courses related to the development of the social work field and general social work practice. These courses can help prepare you for a more in-depth learning experience surrounding specific groups in your community.

Courses like Death and Dying in Social Work can introduce you to different cultural viewpoints on death, as well as the unique funeral and burial practices of different groups within your community. Expanding your knowledge of these different beliefs and practices can help you to provide valid services to groups being served.

Social Research is a class that can help you practice your skills in research, which can be a beneficial skill when preparing for work at the state or government level. This course may require that you choose a social problem, develop a research study, and gather data to present as your final project.

Discrimination and Oppression is another course that you may find commonly in BSW programs. The goal of social work is to provide equal access to all people without any group being privileged to services that others are not.

The combination of these courses can provide learners with a well-rounded understanding of the field of social work, as well as allow them to explore the ethical practice of social work within their fields. After completing all course work required for your degree, you can potentially work with all kinds of diverse treatment groups within your community.

Popular Accredited BSW Program

Searching for the best BSW program in your state can be relative to your individual needs. There are many different programs that offer unique learning experiences and flexible hours for you to choose from throughout this state.

Many students seeking convenience with their educational experiences in Colorado often choose the Metropolitan State University of Denver's online BSW program. This fully online program currently holds CSWE accreditation and can be a great option for upcoming social work professionals in the field.

MSU Denver's online BSW option consists of 120 credit hours of general education and social work-focused courses. Courses within this program are also offered in both asynchronous and synchronous formats.

The fully online aspect of this degree program means that students enrolled may not be required to engage in any in-person experiences throughout the duration of the program. From enrollment to graduation, you can enjoy the benefits of a completely virtual program.

BSW Careers and Salaries

One of the most unique factors about choosing the BSW for your degree program in Colorado is that it can provide you with a diverse skill set that can be applied in multiple settings. Social workers in this state can pursue careers in some of the most preferred career fields with individuals in different age groups.

Many social workers in Colorado pursue careers in social work positions at the state level. This can include working for offices of human services, children’s services, or adult protective services. Within these areas, your goal may be to provide services, ensure the welfare of your clients, and advocate for their needs in a legal setting.

Social workers in Colorado can also work in fields such as education and healthcare. Working in these environments can include reviewing client need, participating in treatment or educational meetings, and following up to ensure that services are being provided as needed.

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If you choose to be a social worker in the state of Colorado, you can potentially earn around $54,910 on average per year. This average salary data was provided by the BLS and represents actual social work salaries in this state.

2021 US Bureau of Labor Statistics salary and employment figures for Social Workers, All other, reflect national data, not school-specific information. Conditions in your area may vary. Data accessed March 2023.