One of the greatest things about pursuing a Bachelor of Social Work in the U.S. is that it is a popular degree option for an incredibly in-demand field. If you are a resident of the District of Columbia and are interested in enrolling in programs like this one, you can choose from CSWE-accredited BSW options in your area.

BSW Degrees in Washington DC

Choosing accredited degree programs is a must for new learners in the field of social work. Since some areas of the U.S. require licensing to practice social work at the bachelor's level, CSWE-accreditation can be an incredibly vital aspect of your chosen degree program. Several top universities in Washington DC that have a BSW program include:

  • Catholic University of America
  • Gallaudet University
  • University of the District of Columbia

Looking for a BSW Online

The surge in popularity of online degree programs for many new learners may also be raising the preference for 100% online BSW options across the U.S. If you are the type of learner that needs maximum flexibility with your learning experience, you are encouraged to learn more about online options near you.

In the online learning environment, you can log in to complete assignments at times that work for you and experience ease-of-communication with other classmates and your instructors. Online BSW programs can be a great way to pursue a higher education without the same demands as in-person learning experiences.

Already have your BSW? Check out MSW programs in Distric of Columbia (includes online).

BSW Degrees in DC

Gallaudet University and the Catholic University of America are alternative universities in the District of Columbia that you can enroll in for your BSW program. Both of these colleges have met the standards for CSWE accreditation, which means their BSW programs are of the highest quality for your learning experience.

It can be important to conduct your own independent research of BSW programs prior to making a choice of which to enroll in. Each program has its own unique perspective on the BSW program and may offer 100% online programs or programs that require on-campus visits or field internships.

Typical Undergraduate Coursework

Beginning in your first year, you may engage in prerequisite general education courses prior to delving into social work-specific courses. These general education courses are a standard requirement for all bachelor-level programs and can allow you to exercise your skills in writing, Algebra, and reading comprehension prior to engagement in social work courses.

Once you enter into your second year and beyond, you may engage more specifically in courses related to the social work field and hands-on practice. Courses like Intro to Social Work can warm you up to learning in this field through a thorough explanation of this field's development and purpose.

Later in your program you can participate in courses like Behavioral Health. This course seeks to provide learners with a baseline understanding of developmentally appropriate behavior health, as well as a look into common behavioral disorders in today's society.

As you learn more about these common disorders, you can also be given some direction on how to obtain services for clients in need, as well as provide follow-up assessments to determine progress. Courses in behavioral and emotional health can be commonplace in the BSW program.

Additional courses that can increase your awareness in the field include Social Work in Corrections, Social Work Practice with Children, and Social Work Practice with Adults. Each of these options can allow you to view social work practice from varying perspectives, which can create better mind frames and practical skills for use in the field.

Popular Accredited BSW Program

As you are sorting through the numerous programs offered in your state, you may be looking for a way to choose from the programs being offered. Some students may find comfort in choosing popular universities to enroll in, due to the proven quality through student testimonies.

One of the most popular programs available to residents of the District of Columbia is the University of the District of Columbia's BSW program. This program offers a high-quality learning experience through engagement with flexible and personable instructors.

Like most other BSW programs, students can expect to spend around 4 years completed courses and experience requirements for this program. Students may be required to complete an internship near the end of their program, which can be engaged in within your local area.

The combination of classroom and field experience in this program can help you to gain a foundation of knowledge for success in this field. The application of independent class work, group assignments, and knowledge testing can ensure that you have met each learning milestone prior to moving forward into the field.

DC BSW Careers and Salaries

You may already have a good idea of what type of career you are hoping to pursue after completing your degree program. The social work field can be incredibly diverse and can include careers working with multiple age groups and with people presenting very different service concerns.

Some popular career options for social workers can include child welfare case manager, behavior health in-home support person, crisis intervention counselor, and even healthcare social worker. Each of these social work positions can include different core responsibilities for ensuring the health and wellness of clients.

In addition to standard case management positions, some social workers can move on to pursue leadership positions in their field after gaining the necessary experience at the case management level. Leadership positions for foster care and adoption agencies in D.C. only require a bachelor’s degree for interested applicants.

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As a social worker in this area, you can earn $68,880 on average each year. This salary data was gathered from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and includes actual earnings from current social work professionals working in the field.

2021 US Bureau of Labor Statistics salary and employment figures for Social Workers, All other, reflect national data, not school-specific information. Conditions in your area may vary. Data accessed March 2023.