Incoming social work professionals in the state of Delaware should begin their journey with a CSWE-accredited degree at the bachelors level. There are currently BSW options available to residents throughout this state that currently holds the right type of accreditation for future licensing in this field.

Bachelor of Social Work Degrees in Delaware

Online BSW programs can also be a great way for individuals to pursue their dream of helping others conveniently through online education. These online learning options can provide you with the option to learn from your very own home, without needed travel or lost time at work or home.

BSW Programs in Delaware

The most popular city for BSW programs in the state of Delaware is Dover. Dover is the city that houses Delaware State University - the most popular university for BSW programs in this state. The only university with a BSW Program in Delaware is Delaware State University's Bachelor of Social Work.

You might consider learning about available online BSW programs.

Why a BSW?

Through learning in the Bachelor of Social Work degree program, students can gain expertise in social work practice with multiple groups, as well as specialized social work practice in the school and hospital setting. Your experience in this generalized degree program can help you obtain varying positions in a large number of popular career fields.

Learners that decide to pursue the BSW in Delaware often choose universities with a great reputation and current CSWE accreditation. Universities offering this level of reliability and quality can potentially lead to licensing for individuals interested in moving forward to practical fields in the future.

Already have your BSW? Check out MSW programs in Delaware (includes online).

BSW Degrees and Coursework

During your BSW program, you may be introduced to diverse treatment groups within your general geographical area and beyond. Courses like Cultural Diversity may be popular in these programs, so that learners can gain insight into the beliefs and practices of different cultural groups within society.

Additional courses related to individualized treatment planning, assessments, and group considerations may also be included in the BSW curriculum, providing you with access to multiple viewpoints of the overall treatment process. The goal of these courses is to allow you to explore step-by-step processes of establishing a treatment plan for those you treat.

While you can expect to take courses directly related to social work practice during your program, you may also take courses required to complete your general education component of your degree. General education courses typically include those related to humanities, history, English, and mathematics.

If you were to enroll in a full-time BSW program today, you could potentially graduate from your program in around 4 years. One of the great things about choosing the BSW program is that you can choose full-time or part-time programs to pursue depending on your availability and needs.

Most Popular BSW Accredited Program

Students in the state of Delaware entering into the Bachelor of Social Work program most often apply to Delaware State University for their program. Not only does this university provide reliable BSW programs for you to choose from, but it also houses the only accredited bachelors program in the state.

Located in the popular city of Dover, this degree program can provide you with a combination of classroom lecture, individualized projects and research, and field experiences along your path to graduation. Many students enrolled in this program can participate in a 12 credit hour practicum experience designed to help bring life to the curriculum.

Some of the major components of this degree program include seeking justice for those in need, respecting diversity, practice ethics, and valid and reliable assessment and treatment. While enrolled in your program you can partake in learning about each of these important social work components to help you become the best generalist social worker you can be.

The goal of this program is to provide learners with the skills they need to become generalist social work professionals in the field. This program can also be a great stepping stone for learners that plan to pursue higher degree programs in social work after completion.

BSW Careers and Salary

Graduates of the BSW program can either immediately seek out entry-level careers in the field or use their degree to move on to masters-level programs in their chosen field. If you are considering a move into the social work field, you can look for careers in many different treatment areas.

BSW holders may qualify for careers as case management professionals in social services or human services, family advocates in the court system, or even mental health assistants. In some areas, BSW holders may be the applicants of choice for specialized careers in residential treatment facilities or rehabilitation centers.

Some career options for social work graduates can also be found in schools and hospitals, providing advocacy and guidance to children and adults in need of support. Each of these career fields can allow you to work with individuals with great needs for support.

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While working as a social worker in the state of Delaware, professionals can earn $68,690 per year on average. The amount you earn per year can vary depending on the type of field you work in and the demand for workers in your specific treatment area.

2021 US Bureau of Labor Statistics salary and employment figures for Social Workers, All other, reflect national data, not school-specific information. Conditions in your area may vary. Data accessed March 2023.